Öltips till oktoberfesten
Dagens gästbloggare är Elins sambo som har provat några öl på temat Oktoberfest. Eftersom han i själ och hjärta är engelsman så blir dagens inlägg på engelska! Tack Carlsberg för varuprover!
I had the pleasure of being asked to sample a few Oktoberfest beers. I didnt know much about Oktoberfest previously, except that beer comes in 1 litre jugs. I have had the pleasure of drinking beer in litre form before and understand the characturistics of the beer that is required to make drinking such large quantities a success.
The first beer i sampled was an american offering of a traditional type Oktoberfest beer called Brooklyn Oktoberfest. The beer was of the Marzen type which was the typical Oktoberfest beer drink up until the 1970’s. It was a dark beer very similar to Newcastle Brown ale with a good flavour. I enjoyed the beer but felt that one would be enough. The prospect of devouring several litres in true Oktoberfest style would of been a challenge. I didnt quite understand the bottle size which was a mere 330ml. I guess the Americans have their interpretation of Oktoberfest.
The next offering was a fantastic tasting Löwenbrau Oktoberfest beer weighing in at a dazzling 6.1% Alcohol and in a more sensible 500ml bottle. I am not a fan of Löwenbrau normally but their Oktoberfest beer had a wonderful full flavour. The texture was velvety smooth and overall the Löwenbrau Oktoberfest Lager was extremely drinkable. I am a fan of light lagers and this one certainly delivered. I could almost hear the German band and smell the bratwurst.
The last in the taste test was Spaten Oktoberfest beer. I left this till last as I am a huge fan of Spaten as an everyday lager. After a few mouthfulls their Oktoberfest special did not disappoint. Weighing in at 5.9% it is slightly stronger than the standard Spaten. The taste was full bodied and very smooth. I must say that Spatens Oktoberfest special did not disappoint my high expectations from one of the six founding brewers of Oktoberfest. If I had a long day of Drinking and Sausage eating ahead of me I would definitly choose Spaten as my companion.
Overall I enjoyed my Oktoberfest evening and am dissapointed I only had three to taste but if you ask Elin she would probably say it was more than enough and I didnt need any more encouragement to drink lager. I enjoyed the Brooklyn beer but I think Löwenbrau and Spaten captured the modern essence of Oktoberfest with their wonderful tasting light lagers.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Try this one and I’ll bet you can even smell the german band and hear the bratwurst.
So how about stickin’ with the Brooklyn as a first, then having two or three Löwenbräu and then go nuts with 10-35 Spatens…? Think that’s the plan for me. Thanks for guiding me, ”guest blogger”!
guest blogger
good call on the beer night but i reckon if you expand the lowenbrau section of the evening you can reduce the spaten considerably.
the only time i can smell the band and hear the bratwurst is in Dubliners. if you havent been , give it a go. 10 stor starks is mandatory to appreciate the clientele
Hahahaaaa! 😆